Say no to over-development in Chingford & Woodford Green. I'm actively campaigning against out-of-scale and out-of-character high-rise blocks in our area. Hundreds of local people have already signed petitions, but we need more signatures to make sure the developers and the council listen to the genuine concerns of local residents.
Waltham Forest is in the process of preparing a new Local Plan for the borough. When adopted it will set out the Council’s planning policy for the next 15 years.
It will shape developments and guide decisions on the location, amount and types of development the borough requires to meet local needs and accommodate good growth. The Council's proposals can be found here: https://walthamforest.gov.uk/content/local-plan
These include proposals to build 27,000 new homes in Waltham Forest by 2035, an increase of over 25% on the number of homes currently in the borough, and to add 46,000 square metres of employment space (retail, business and industry). Local Conservatives are running a petition which we will submit as part of the consultation. It can be signed here by completing your details below. It reads:
The draft Local Plan for Waltham Forest proposes the building of 27,000 new homes by 2035, which exceeds the target set by the Mayor of London by 3,300. We, the undersigned, call on Waltham Forest Council to re-draft its plan to:
- Reduce the target for new homes to that set by The Mayor of London
- Include height limits on development in North Chingford, South Chingford and Highams Park which respect the local, suburban character
- Provide for adequate parking to be preserved to support existing businesses and provided in new developments of homes and business premises to protect existing residents’ amenity
- Require that supporting infrastructure be provided in advance of new development being occupied
- See that affordable homes provided in new developments are offered first to people with a strong local connection
Some of the plans include high-rise and over-development of our local area, which will increase pressure on already stretched local infrastructure (Schools, Doctors, utilities etc), as well as no parking for new residents, so the wider community will once again bear the brunt of the consequences of over-development.